
Administrative assistance and telephone services

Administrative Assistance

Our team of professionals is available to answer your questions
and free you from your administrative tasks:

  • Help with starting a business and various administrative formalities with the CFE(Business F ormalities Centre), local commercial court, journal of legal notices, and more…
  • Secretarial services
  • Access to office automation tools
  • Put you in touch with our specialised partners : certified accountants,…

Services on a pay-per-use basis : a flexible, effective and low-cost solution.

Telephone services

Personalised responses to your calls from 8 am to 8 pm,
Monday through Friday, and on Saturday from 8 am to 12:30 pm:

  • A personal answering machine outside business hours.
  • Automatic answering services and a quick response to all calls,
    according to your preferences.
  • You can also view and modify your calendar online, 24 hours a day.